Our guarantee of quality for you.
The trust that our customers have placed in us since our company was founded in 1982 is based not least on the consistently high quality of our products. To guarantee this, we ensure the highest standards at every stage of our production process. By auditing our suppliers, we ensure the quality of the raw materials, produce under strict quality conditions with our qualified specialist staff and ensure the usual product quality on consumers' plates through appropriate packaging and delivery. As a food producer, we not only have a responsibility to our customers and end consumers, but also to the environment. For this reason, quality for us also means treating the environment and resources responsibly. Furthermore, as a family-run company, we see ourselves as responsible for our (long-standing) employees and for the region around our company location in Ostbevern.
Production process
In order to guarantee our customers the greatest possible product safety, we focus on the production of fully cooked products. All VOSSKO products are carefully checked, safely transported and labeled in a consumer-friendly way and offer you high-quality convenience, consistent quality and great taste. Before our products go on sale, we work with independent laboratories and veterinary authorities to ensure that our customers can enjoy a high-quality and safe end product.
In order to offer you a consistently safe and high-quality end product, we regularly undergo certification. These certifications not only confirm our efforts to achieve high standards in various areas, but also ensure the continuous improvement of our processes. They enable us to meet the growing demands of our customers and at the same time make a positive contribution to environmental protection and social responsibility.
Sustainability and ethical conduct are core values of the VOSSKO Code of Conduct. This code defines guidelines that ensure that all employees act responsibly and fairly. It is based on the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO) and includes essential principles of daily interaction. VOSSKO attaches great importance to occupational health and safety in order to ensure a safe working environment. At the same time, the company is committed to environmental protection through the efficient use of resources and the reduction of CO2 emissions.